About Brad


I’m Brad Scot Johnson and I think I know why you landed on my website.  See, I remember spending years, feeling ‘not-enough’ and I held onto limiting beliefs that kept me small. I found myself settling. Yet, I DEEP INSIDE I knew I was made for more. I suspect you feel that, too.

That’s when I decided to step into my destiny. Change my Mindset and BREAK FREE from limiting beliefs. Life has become RICH and FULFILLING in ways I once only dreamed. I am now living the life I was created to live and it’s AMAZING!



About Brad


I’m Brad Scot Johnson and I think I know why you landed on my website.  See, I remember spending years, feeling ‘not-enough’ and I held onto limiting beliefs that kept me small. I found myself settling. Yet, I DEEP INSIDE I knew I was made for more. I suspect you feel that, too.

That’s when I decided to step into my destiny. Change my Mindset and BREAK FREE from limiting beliefs. Life has become RICH and FULFILLING in ways I once only dreamed. I am now living the life I was created to live and it’s AMAZING!


I’m married to the love of my life. I am a father and grandfather. I am a Scuba Dive Master, a Brown Sash in Kung Fu and hold both a Masters degree and Doctorate. I love to EXCEL…and more than that, I CAN HELP YOU EXCEL. It’s the stated goal of my life.

I’m married to the love of my life. I am a father and grandfather. I am a Scuba Dive Master, a Brown Sash in Kung Fu and hold both a Masters degree and Doctorate. I love to EXCEL…and more than that, I CAN HELP YOU EXCEL. It’s the stated goal of my life.

As a Life Coach with Clients around the world, it’s exhilarating to see men and women discover their purpose in life and achieve greatness.  See, I believe you were born for greatness.

As a strategist, I help you unlock the code, find the path, and you will start on your journey to become EVERYTHING you were created to become.


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